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Welcome Back Care Pack


A curated Welcome Back Care Pack that will mark return to office in a memorable way.

Comprises of 12oz Sttoke Classic Tumbler, Go.C Sanitizer, Laptop Stand, PU Notebook.

Many have been working from home for prolonged periods earlier, and may feel excited yet also cautious on returning back to office again. 

Ease the transition back to office for your colleagues with gifts that will be useful for them at work. Sttoke tumbler, a branded, quality ceramic mug that can be used in office to enjoy hot beverages;  Go.C Sanitizer that allows users to have access to hand sanitizers with them conveniently anywhere; Laptop stand to encourage good ergonomic postures while using laptop at work. Last but no least, PU Notebook for listing down important notes and reminders. 

This  Welcome Back Care Pack will definitely make those returning to office feel appreciated and welcomed!

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